Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Assignment Sheet


Directions: Answer the following Questions in short essay form for comprehension of the text. Then use the given material to help you pick out a scene that can shorten your poem and comic strip.

One Hundred Years of Solitude Assignment Sheet

1. With which character in One Hundred Years of Solitude do you most identify? Why? Is there any character in the novel who is wholly admirable, anyone who is wholly evil?

2. In what ways can One Hundred Years of Solitude be seen as a fable about the history of human civilization?

3. How might one argue that One Hundred Years of Solitude is a realistic novel, despite its fantastic and magical elements?

4. What is the attitude of One Hundred Years of Solitude toward modernity? What is its attitude toward tradition?

5.What do you think is the novel’s understanding of human nature? Is it a fundamentally optimistic novel? To what extent does García Márquez believe that love is possible?

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